
The ambition of the NAMEC centre is to be world leading within design and fabrication of nano­mechanical sensors and actuators. Our sensor development will focus on so-called cantilever sensors, which can be imagined as miniaturised diving boards. A cantilever sensor can be used to moni­tor changes in surface stress, temperature and mass, as a result from reactions occurring on its surface.

Within medical sci­ence and pharmaceutical research there is a great need for new types of sensors that can give fast and reliable data and which have the possibility of analyzing several different small volume sam­ples simultaneously. If such sensors were available it would be possible to perform rapid and more accu­rate diagnostics and it would be possible to develop and test new therapeutics much faster. More­over, one could develop a more personalized medicine where medication is adjusted accord­ing to the need of patients.

These applications require technologies, which are not available today and which put high demands on all the fundamental re­search areas. The centre has the following overall goals:  

  • Investigate and understand the basic physical properties of our cantilever-based sensors. More knowledge on this type of nanomechanical systems is needed before the fundamental limit for mass, temperature and surface stress measurements can be achieved.
  • Develop new materials, new topology optimization methods, new surface chemistries and new measurement methods so that new optimized sensors with superior sensitivity, reliability and re­producibility can be designed, fabricated and applied within pharmacology.  

The research on sensors is divided into three work packages in the NAMEC Centre; SENS 1 – Temperature, SENS 2 – Surface stress and SENS 3 – Mass sensing. Each work package is supported by the TECH 2 – Topology optimization and the TECH 3 – Material science work packages. There is also a large synergy between the three SENS research project with respect to fabrication challenges and joint applications of the developed sensors.


Anja Boisen, project coordinator of workpackage
office:   room 152, bldg. 345 East
tel:  +45 4525 5727
4 MAY 2024