About the center

The aim of this VKR centre of Excellence is to develop a platform for new mechanical sensors and vehicles for oral drug delivery.(Figur a i jpg). Within medical sci­ence and pharmaceutical research there is a great need for new types of sensors which can give fast and reliable data and which have the possibility of analyzing several different small volume sam­ples simultaneously. If such sensors were available it would be possible to perform rapid and more accu­rate diagnostics and it would be possible to develop and test new therapeutics much faster. More­over, it would be possible to develop a more personalized medicine where medication is adjusted accord­ing to the need of patients.

The centre unites several internationally leading research groups in Denmark and focuses on pharmacological applications. NAMEC involves three different departments at DTU and one department from KU. The centre is headed by Professor Anja Boisen, who has substantial experience in project management. Anja has coordinated several national and international research projects and has a strong scientific background in nanomechanical sensors. Professsor Kristoffer Almdal is the deputy head of the centre. 

The research activities are divided into three overall categories: Fundamental studies and technologies, Sensors, and new systems.


2 MAY 2024